I'm going to try something "new". Every person I meet, as well as those I already know, I am going to ask myself one simple question when interacting with them: "How do I see God in this person?"
I want to stop looking at people and start seeing people. I never thought I struggled with this until I really stopped to think about it. I don't think many people think they struggle with this. But, if they're like me, they haven't really thought about it. Think of the labels we give people that we've had one, maybe zero, conversations with: The hot girl, cute guy, homeless person, mean lady, Jesus freak, gay guy, etc.
I am challenging myself to see people the way God does, and stop looking at them the way the world does. I know that God loves EVERYBODY (seeing as how he sent his Son to die for the sins of all of us), so I think that's a good place to start in deciding how to see people.
I know it will be tougher with some people than with others. For instance, I have little to no tolerance for egos. But God loves those who are full of themselves just as much as he loves the humble. Yes, I know the verses about humility, but show me where it says that Jesus didn't die for the arrogant, or where it says that God doesn't love them.
If anybody is reading this (and according to google analytics, nobody reads this but me since I deleted my facebook), I would encourage you to do the same. The people I struggle with may not be the same people you struggle with. So I would encourage you to think of those people you struggle to love, struggle to see the way God does, or just dismiss. Gay people? Drinkers and drug users? Christians? (Oh, believe me, there are more than a few Christians that I struggle with.)
I can't promise that you'll change the world by doing this, but I can promise that you'll see it in a whole new (and happier) way.
-Oh, and if anybody was wondering (again, nobody is reading this), bar studying has been going pretty well this week. Overall, I feel fairly on top of things for this stage of the game.
Test 4/9/2010
14 years ago
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